Program Highlight: Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Program at Lift with Mobility Weightlifting Center in Langley, BC.

If you’re looking to take your weightlifting to the next level, our intermediate weightlifting program is perfect for you. This program focuses on improving weightlifting technique, which makes it ideal for those who have already learnt the basics of weightlifting in a beginner program or a crossfitter who wants to get better at weightlifting. In addition to improving your technique, this program will also help increase your overall strength, power & speed.

What can you learn when you join our Intermediate’s Weightlifting Program?

In our intermediate weightlifting program, you’ll learn more advanced techniques for  snatch/ clean & jerk that will help you lift heavier weights with better technique. You’ll also learn how to combine what you have learned in our beginner’s program in your new weightlifting routine to further improve your technique. This program is perfect for those who want to continue improving their weightlifting skills and increase their overall strength. This program is also useful for athletes who play other sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey, etc., as this program will help improve acceleration, power, speed, balance & co-ordination and hence, will improve sports performance.

This program focuses more on specific issues related to technique, which helps in overall Olympic Weightlifting and includes:

Snatch- Balance, Second Pull, Third Pull.

Clean–Second Pull, Third Pull.

Split Jerk– Jerk Balance, Dip & Drive & Push under.

The benefits of joining our Intermediate Weightlifting Program.

Improved Technique

The Intermediate Weightlifting Program is designed to help you improve your weightlifting technique and sports performance. This is achieved through a variety of exercises that focus on different aspects of the weightlifting technique. By the end of the program, you will have improved technique and will be able to lift more weight with proper form.


Increased Strength

One of the main benefits of our Intermediate Weightlifting Program is increased strength. This is achieved by gradually increasing the amount of weight you are lifting over the course of the program. By the end of the program, you will be lifting heavier weights than you were at the beginning, which will lead to increased strength.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Another benefit of our Intermediate Weightlifting Program is improved cardiovascular health. This is achieved through a higher intensity of training that comes into our intermediate weightlifting program. When you join this program, you will also enjoy the benefits of improving your cardiovascular health and will be able to better withstand other cardiovascular exercise.

All this is to prepare you for the next level of lifting.

When you complete our intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Program, you will then have learned better techniques that will help you lift heavier weights safely and with proper form. Secondly, if you are an athlete practising other sports, this program will help you to improve your sports performance. Thirdly, by the end of the program, you will then have increased your overall strength, power, speed & balance which will gain deem you ready for our Advanced Olympic Weightlifting Program.

Get your lifting routine started at Liftwithmobility in Langley, BC.

If you’re interested in taking your weightlifting to the next level, our intermediate weightlifting program is perfect for you. If you looking to get started with a weightlifting routine, be sure to contact us today so we can get one of our trainers to give you a complimentary assessment and see which program is right for you.

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